I wasn’t able to run as “plan” on 03/09/12. On Saturday (03/10/12) morning, I got myself whole eight hours of sleep before out of bed and ran around Aspen Hill neighborhood for 1h’40m’37s’ approx. 13.8 miles. While I was running, I noticed since ICC was complete and MVA (or whoever) built a very nice running/cycling trail along the toll way; which help me not get to hit by a car when I on Park Vista Dr.. The temp was superb for running, but the spring really does remind how much I hated the season – my sinus acting up for pollen in the air. I guess nothing is prefect, something you gotta give…
On Sunday morning, I rose up early (again), and ran on the grassy area of Layhill Village Park. I logged, 49m’09s’ approx. 6.6 miles in the morning and jogged around a high school track for a mile with Scott after we get some video shooting. I logged 57m’20s’ approx. 7.7 miles for the day.
Since my seasonal allergy was acting up and I somehow squeezed myself into an early morning appointment with my doctor on 03/12/12; which forced me not to run the morning. However, I still managed to get out of work early enough to run in the evening. The day light saving help me out on this one. Before the run, I was going to take it as a light tempo run; but I actually end up with a pretty cool progression run. I ran 49m’34s’ approx. 7.0 miles; splits are 7m’32.45s, 7m’15.82s, 7m’02.43s, 7m’08.21s, 7m’06.51s, 6m’52.73s, & 6m’30.18s. Not too bad…
I surely sore when I roll out of bed this morning; got to work, changed clothes, out of building within five minutes, and ran toward the Hais Point. The air was clean, mostly thanks to overnight rain shower, and I felt like I breathe like a happy baby. Since we have an abnormal winter, Cherry Blossom trees are start to bloom, some of them are actually already in full bloom; which make me wonder – what in the world are we going to see on tree top in Cherry Blossom Festival or during CB Ten Miler? A lot of green Cherry Blossom leaves? We’ll see…
As I ran around the Point onto Ohio Drive next to the Potomac, I noticed something twinkling in the cloud on top of Rosslyn. Then two seconds later, I noticed two or three yellow dots twinkling behind it. I realized they are airplanes that ready to descending into DCA. They all lined up 30s’ to 40s’ apart from each other, loudly roar, getting touch down into nation capital as I running toward Fourteenth Street Bridge, and the morning sunrise shining on my back. Great view and made me appreciate and enjoy running every day of my life. I logged 1h’01m’44s’ approx. 8.2 miles for the day.
Tomorrow is Wednesday of Pi Day and I will run my tempo workout. As now, I am planning for a 6x6m’ with 3m’ break in between and planning to run 2@6m’10s’, 2@6m’00s’, and 2@5m’50s’. Detail will post later.
How should I celebrate Pi Day? Any better suggestions?
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