

Short Review on "A Simple Life"

Today’s post is not about running; it is about an excellent movie I watch last night.  About a month ago, I enter a raffle drawing, then thanks to Mid-Atlantic Chinese Film Festival that awarded me a ticket to watch A Simple Life.

In traditional Chinese culture, we always are taught to live modestly, frugally, and respect elders.  Over several years of the economical surge, many young post-90s generation Chinese children not following these customs.  This movie talks about all these. 
The movie is based on a true story; but I don’t really want to give out too much here and here is the short summary on Wikipedia,
The movie is only in Cantonese with English subtitle.  However, since it presents the life and traditional Cantonese custom, many of subtitles for slang and jokes may have lost in translation; but you will still be able to understand 98% of it if you are not native Cantonese speaker.  The movie is truly touched our heart.  It is not quite Mother’s Day yet, but it is a good Mother’s Day movie.  The first thing I did after the movie was to tell my parents how much they mean to me.  I hope you will enjoy too. 
Inspired by a true story of the producer, Roger Lee, and his servant, the film tells about a heartwarming relationship between a young master of a big family, Roger (Lau) and the servant of the family who raised him, Sister Peach (Ip).

呢部片只有語對白,但有中英文字幕。因為它談論傳統廣東人生活和習俗, 許多俚語和笑話字幕可能翻譯不完善, 但是你仍能夠明白98, 如果你母語不是語。 我喜歡這部電影, 因為真正打動我的心。須唔係母親節,  很好的母親節電影。我看完電影後做第一件事,父母他們對我意味著好多好多。

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