

First Track Workout.

In my previous blog, I took Arturo’s advices and plan a workout on track.  Last night was the night.  Yesterday I got to work at 0700, so that I could leave early as well.  I drank liquid (coffee, tea, & water) all day long like fish in tank, since I knew that will be hot like South Texas by the time I start my workout.    

Roll around to 1730, I finally get my rear out of office and head up to Montgomery College Track.  When I arrived there at 1900, people already warm up and about to start their workout; so I end up doing the workout on my own. I created a little spreadsheet below that with planned workout plan and the actual executed splits.

Planed workout plan
Actual time spend on each repetition
Rep 1
Rep 2
Rep 3
Total time
24001Warm Up11:590:11:59
24001Warm Down13:300:13:30
Distance in meter168001:12:35
Distance in mile10.44 Shoes:
3.0 miles

7.4 milesHyperSpeed4 

I think I had a pretty good workout last night, but I have a lot of work need to do in order to run 2h’55m” marathon.  I also need to keep my weight down to 145lb by Akron marathon and 140lb by Tucson marathon.  I think I’ll be able to do that.

I woke up with sore calves and hammy.  So I didn't run this morning, but going to run forty easy minutes on ball field later on this evening.  I'll rest up tomorrow and a travel day.  I am taking my running shoes with me and plan on run 19 miler in the sub-70s weather.  That should be fun.

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