I took a day off from running on Friday (02/24/2012) and spend the day laid on the couch watch old Stephen Chow movies; I did bunch core exercises between each bathroom break.
On Saturday (02/25/2012), I woke up at reasonable hour in the morning, and ran out for a short 30-minute run to get ready for RRCA Ten Miler. I ran 30m’04s’ for approx. 4.2 miles. I finished the run with a sore left knee; I believed I need more resting after a week of hard run.
Today, I got out of bed early enough to put some eggs and bagels with two cups of Joe into my stomach before headed up to Columbia. I met up with M. Neff at the check-in table at the race site and we went out for a 2.5 miles warm up.
The race started at 0800. I ran out with L. Firestone; but in the instant, I start to pull back and tucked behind him. I know this course is not an easy course, I rather be safe than sorry at the end. I was really much run my own race. At mile two, two fast ladies caught me from the back and ran away from me. I let them go and continue hold my pace. I cross the half mark around 30m’47.2s’, which way faster than I planned to run for this race. On my previous blog, I told you that I wanted run this race as a training run, and hoping to finish around 62m’30s’. But what the .....
I decided to pull back some and tucked between a Fall Road female racer. As the race progress around mile 7-nish, I caught up with L. Firestone and a red-top Fall Road guy with a head of crazy-blonde-hair. Crazy hair dude kept up and we exchanged spot several times, and I noticed he was watching me from the corner of his left eye. He responded to my surge every time; eventually I charged and drop him on the second to the last hill around mile 9.1. I finished the race with solid 1h’03m’53s’, averaging 6m’18s’ per mile; just 1m’53s’ shy from my target finish. I think I did well today and I am happy. The course is tough, but very doable. As now, I know I am in shape for faster and flatter course in few weeks, such as Cherry Blossom, where I will try my best to break the historical mark of 59m’59s’. I’ll see what I can do with that. While me pending for official time to post, you folks welcome to checkout the detail of today’s race on here. After the race, I jogged very slowly with M. Neff for about 20-minute as warm down. I finished with approx. 14.5 miles for the day.
Looking ahead next week, I am running another long-long-run (22-miler) on March 3. Therefore, I am going to treat myself an off-day tomorrow. More will come online later on...
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